Meet Sheila Plotkin
A Bit of History
Contact Sheila
COVID-19 Data
COVID-19 Introduction
In-Person Voting Increased COVID-19 Spread
Hospitalizations & Testing
COVID-19 Testing by WI County
WI County History
Death Increases Greater Than 3
Increases > 20
Graphs: 10 Largest Counties
Adams - Dodge Counties
Door - Iron Counties
Jackson - Menominee Counties
Monroe-Sauk Counties
Sawyer-Wood Counties
WI Compared to Other States
Graphs: 6 Largest County Cohort
Raw Data: 6 Largest County Cohort
11-State Comparison
Weekly Cases Per 100K in 6-State Cohort
Weekly % of increase in 6-State Cohort
Line Graph: New Cases in 6-State Cohort
All Open Records Links
Four-year data summary
Lame Duck Plucked
Citizens Address Lame Duck
Media Coverage
Our Communities
Shout Out to Contributors
How did they vote?
They're Not Listening
Opposed/In Favor Totals
Alpha List of Legislators
4-UP Flyer
Guest Book
6-Year Data Summary
Meet Sheila Plotkin
A Bit of History
Contact Sheila
COVID-19 Data
COVID-19 Introduction
In-Person Voting Increased COVID-19 Spread
Hospitalizations & Testing
COVID-19 Testing by WI County
WI County History
Death Increases Greater Than 3
Increases > 20
Graphs: 10 Largest Counties
Adams - Dodge Counties
Door - Iron Counties
Jackson - Menominee Counties
Monroe-Sauk Counties
Sawyer-Wood Counties
WI Compared to Other States
Graphs: 6 Largest County Cohort
Raw Data: 6 Largest County Cohort
11-State Comparison
Weekly Cases Per 100K in 6-State Cohort
Weekly % of increase in 6-State Cohort
Line Graph: New Cases in 6-State Cohort
All Open Records Links
Four-year data summary
Lame Duck Plucked
Citizens Address Lame Duck
Media Coverage
Our Communities
Shout Out to Contributors
How did they vote?
They're Not Listening
Opposed/In Favor Totals
Alpha List of Legislators
4-UP Flyer
Guest Book
6-Year Data Summary
From We are watching
From Menasha
From Appleton 4
From Neenah 2
From the 19th SD 1
From the 19th SD 5
From the 19th SD 9
From a reliable Republican voter
From Appleton 1
From Appleton 5
From Neenah 3
From the 19th SD 2
From the 19th SD 6
From an independent
From Appleton 2
From Fox Crossing
From Neenah 4
From the 19th SD 3
From the 19th SD 7
From Madison
From Appleton 3
From Neenah 1
From Neenah 5
From the 19th SD 4
From the 19th SD 8